Yesterday I spent four hours on a PowerPoint presentation for my networking group. Four hours of playing with new software, digging through files for old photos and matching background colours to my branding. To say it was frustrating and a bad use of my time would be an understatement, but it was my creative side bursting to get out and have a play, because I’m a numbers gal.
Of course what I should have done is given the job to a graphic designer who would have had it done in a quarter of the time and produced a much more polished and professional presentation, and I should have gone to a Yoga class. But instead I struggled on with something that I’m not an expert at and came up with a half arse result.
And then it hit me – why do we all do this? As small business owners why do we feel the need to do everything, to wear all 10 hats – we’re being really good in our ‘zones of Genius’ and then muddling through the other bits when it would be so much better to just give that part to somebody else who is an expert!
How many times have I stood in front of that same networking group and said For Goodness Sake if you’re not comfortable or good at numbers please outsource your bookkeeping?! Because as bookkeepers we do know the software well, we’ve had oodles of practice and we work way more efficiently, so we can do the job in a quarter of the time. And it wouldn’t be half arsed!
When the world of remote working, online software and outsourced contractors should be a way of life for all small business owners I wonder why we still struggle with this?
Maybe its because our core business gets a bit mundane and boring and having something different to do is actually refreshing? Because the truth was after I spent four hours on Canva I then did some cash flow forecasting and reports for a client who wasn’t expecting them but thought they were amazing.
I don’t actually have the answer – otherwise I wouldn’t have spent that time on my presentation. What I do know is there are some awesome bookkeepers out there and if numbers aren’t your Zone of Genius, please talk to a bookkeeper and see how they could help you.
And although I am a staunch believer that if there is a part of your business you struggle with and you know you’re not good at you really should outsource it, sometimes a little bit of play can help you focus on what you’re actually good at.
And me? Well, my client got some kick-ass reports and my networking group will have some old photos to laugh about at our meeting on Thursday. And you never know, I still might get to that Yoga class…
If you want to know more about help with your numbers, get in touch. Hit the button, like the post, drop me an email. Just do the thing!